Welcome to Telly Insurance Agency!
+254 727 377624
Nairobi, Kenya



We position our clients at the forefront of their field by advancing an agenda.

Telly Insurance Agency educates and makes you understand the right premium before signing up. We help you find any insurance coverages that are right for you, so you’re not paying for anything you don’t want!

Endowment Policy

Save money on insurance with money saving expert's guides to car insurance.

Education Policy

Our basic coverage offers more features than many policies out there.

General Insurance

Drive down your rates with car insurance discounts and premium


Save up to 10% when you insure your property and autos with our company.

Medical Insurance

Stay protected from 10 critical illnesses for 10 years with life insurance.

Life Insurance

Help protect lost income, pay for higher education, and cover debts or burial costs.

Trust Funds

We are promoting "marriage insurance" as a way of financial support.


Flood could be a financial disaster if you don't have flood insurance.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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