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Nairobi, Kenya

Life Insurance

Individual & Corporate

Life insurance provides financial protection for loved ones should the policyholder die.

Protect Your Family's Future with Life Insurance Life insurance is a way to protect your family and loved ones, even after you pass away. Choose from our wide range of life insurance policies, including term life insurance, permanent life insurance, or a combination of both. Our policies can help cover final expenses, paying off outstanding debt, and even everyday costs. Find the right life insurance solution to meet your needs and secure your family’s future. Book an appointment today.
An insurance policy that protects a lender or titleholder if the borrower defaults on payments, passes away, or is otherwise unable to meet the contractual obligations of the mortgage
An insurance coverage plan specially designed for a savings tool to provide an amount of education cost when your kids reach the age for entry into high school or college.
An insurance coverage plan specially designed for a savings tool to provide an amount of education cost when your kids reach the age for entry into high school or college.
A Term Life Insurance cover effected by the company to compensate for the financial loss suffered following the death or permanent Total Disability of a Key Member or Staff of the Organization.
1. Term policies that are designed to help the client save and get payouts both partial (in between the term) or lump sum at the end of the term.
2. The main advantage is the ability to offer both protection and a return on investment over the duration of time.
1.Group Life Insurance is a term insurance cover provided to a group of people (at least 10) who must exist for some purpose other than that of taking insurance.
2. Life insurance offered by an Employer or Association to its workers or members.
3.The cover enables the employer/scheme holder to alleviate the financial distress that might befall the dependents of an insured member upon his/her death.
4.A single insurance contract covers an entire group of people Group Life insurance is typically offered as membership benefit package.
1.The purpose of credit life insurance is to cushion/protect the creditor from financial liabilities arising from demise or disability of borrowers.
2. Group creditor policies are designed to cover the outstanding loans on the borrower’s Death and/ or Permanent Total Disability.
3.Arrears are not covered.
4.The lender is the policyholder and pays the premium.
5.The cover helps policyholder to maintain credit service to all members by reducing bad debts and the number of families left with nothings a result of outstanding debts (loan).
1. It is a group policy that provides for funeral costs for departed members.
2. A benefit of a specified sum assured per member (e.g.10,000, 20,000, 50,000 etc.) is payable in the event of an insured member’s death.
3. Annually renewable cover
4. Minimum number of persons to be insured in a group may be fixed e.g. 50 members for a stand-alone policy
5. Claims paid within 48 hours of reporting & documentation

GET READY NOW:- Protect Your Family's Future with Life Insurance today!

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